With the Savings Card, you may save up to $20 on each 30-day fill of brand-name DILANTIN.*

*Eligible, commercially insured patients may save up to $240 a year. Savings Card only works on brand-name DILANTIN. Terms and conditions apply.

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  • I do not have insurance from any Federal Healthcare Program (including Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, or any other state or federal medical pharmaceutical benefit program or pharmaceutical assistance program)
  • Myself and my spouse/partner are not both over age 65 and retired
  • I do not receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or any other Social Security Administration (SSA) benefits
  • I do not receive health insurance through the military.
  • I agree to the Terms and Conditions

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By signing up, you authorize Viatris Inc. and trusted parties acting on its behalf, to send you the DILANTIN materials you requested and other commercial communications from Viatris Inc. By enrolling, you confirm that you are a resident of the United States and over 18 years of age.

Viatris Inc. understands that your personal and health information are private. To learn about how Viatris Inc. uses your information, please view our Privacy Notice.